The following are series of planned activities in Indonesia, 2017:
1. Sunshine Circle: Theraplay Groups for the Classroom
2. Training Level One Theraplay®
3. Training Level Two Theraplay®
Theraplay® and Sunshine Circles® is a registered service mark of The Theraplay Institute, USA
For more details:
1. Sunshine Circle: Theraplay Groups for the Classroom
Learn in 2 full days training how to introduce this amazing social-emotional development group to your school. Sunshine Circles ® are adult-directed and structured, but rather than talking, the teacher leads playful, cooperative and nurturing activities. Sunshine Circles are 99% interactive and create an atmosphere of fun, caring, acceptance and encouragement that leads to better social, emotional and even cognitive development.
Children generally embrace the three rules of Sunshine Circles… No Hurts, Stick Together and Have Fun!… and carry them with them throughout the day. Sunshine Circles can very quickly and dramatically improve the quality of the classroom and provide teachers with resources to maintain an emotionally positive and cognitively enriched environment.
Date | : | 26 – 27 July 2017 |
Time | : | 9 AM to 5 PM |
Place | : | Ambhara Hotel, Jalan Iskandarsyah Raya No. 1, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta, Indonesia. (It’s very close to Blok M Bus Terminal where you can get easily public transportation to everywhere in Jakarta or a shuttle bus from/to Airport) |
Adding Sunshine Circles to your classroom will:
- Create an atmosphere that is warm, nurturing, engaging and challenging
- Meet the basic needs of children so they can be freed emotionally to explore their world
- Promote warm relationships between children and adults and friendships among peers
- Engage hard-to-reach children
- Bring fun and exuberance into the lives of children
- Place emphasis on cooperation between children
- Encourage children to learn and practice self- control
- Enhance trust of others through concrete, personal and positive experiences
- Help children with regulatory disorders and tactile issues
- Simultaneously address cognitive, social and emotional development
Who Should Attend
This training is designed for teachers and the professionals who support them—social workers, school counselors/psychologists, early childhood specialists and others. Sunshine Circles can be used with children of any age, but are best known for pre-school/early years classrooms and special education settings.
You’ll learn:
- Principles of attachment theory on an intellectual and experiential level
- The Four Dimensions of Theraplay for child development
- How to quickly assess which of the dimensions a particular child might need
- The importance of touch for children’s well-being and regulation
- Applying Theraplay principles to children’s groups
- Leadership skills for implementing a Theraplay group
- The effects of complex trauma on a child’s brain and behavior
- Strategies for incorporating Theraplay in daily interactions with children
- Addressing resistant behavior within the Theraplay group
- Experiential practices of both being a participant and a leader
- Strategies for successful implementation
2. Training Level One Theraplay®
Training Level One Theraplay & MIM is a four-day training designed to teach the basics for participants to begin using Theraplay techniques in their work with existing and new clients. The language in class will be English.
Date | : | 29 – 31 July and 1 August 2017 |
Time | : | 9 AM to 5 PM |
Place | : | Ambhara Hotel, Jalan Iskandarsyah Raya No. 1, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta, Indonesia. (It’s very close to Blok M Bus Terminal where you can get easily public transportation to everywhere in Jakarta or a shuttle bus from/to Airport) |
Learning Objectives for Level One Theraplay & MIM:
- Administer the MIM and analyze it at a beginning level
- Conduct feedback sessions with parents based upon the MIM analysis
- Use the MIM as a guideline for Theraplaytreatment planning
- Observe demonstrations of Theraplaytreatment and techniques
- Practice Theraplay activities in dyads
- Identify the types of behaviors that require a particular dimension
- Utilize the four Theraplay Dimensions to treat the specific needs of a child
- Describe how Theraplay is applied to meet the needs of children with behavior problems, foster and adopted children, children with ASD, and older children
- Describe how to guide parents to participate in a Theraplay treatment session
Who Should Attend
This training is designed for masters and doctoral level mental health clinicians, although we accept enrollment from those without these credentials who have comprehensive knowledge and background in child development or psychology. The masters degree is required for certification as a Theraplay Therapist, master students may enter the practicum and work on their degree and certification simultaneously.
Theraplay is considered an essential treatment modality for those who work with children and families to add to their skill set: Psychologists and Psychiatrists, Social Workers, Clinical Counselors, Marriage and Family Therapists, School Counselors, Play Therapists, Special Education Teachers, Occupational Therapists, Speech and Language Therapists, Adoption/Post-Adoption Support Counselors, Early Childhood and Developmental Specialists
3. Training Level Two Theraplay®
Training Level Two Theraplay & MIM is a three-day module for Theraplay Practitioner Level One & MIM, required for certification. The language in class will be English.
Date | : | 4 – 6 August 2017 |
Time | : | 9 AM to 5 PM |
Place | : | Artotel Hotel, Jl. Kusuma Sari No.1, Sanur, Bali, Indonesia |
Registrants should have experience using Theraplay in their work before attending this training. Each module will include at least one participant case presentation. Making a case presentation is not required, but is an option if you would like to receive supervision.
Day 1: Core Concepts In-Depth and MIM Skill Development
This module provides an in-depth examination of the attachment and brain research that supports the Theraplay model as well as several examples of MIMs and their interpretation to improve your comfort and skill in administering and interpreting this assessment.
Learning Objectives:
- Describe the underlying principles of Theraplay, a modality of play therapy, and their relationship to current attachment and brain research
- Administer and analyze the MIM at an intermediate skill level
- Develop skills in the use of the MIM for treatment planning
- Describe how to use feedback sessions with parents to transmit a sense of hopefulness and trust
Special Features:
- Time permitting, you may share one of your complex or interesting MIM’s for group discussion
- Actual case material will be utilized through video to enhance your learning experience.
Day 2: Working with Parents and Building Your Theraplay Skills
This module will focus on working with parents in therapy and improving the breadth of your Theraplay skill set to bring your Theraplay work to a higher skill level.
Learning Objectives:
- Describe methods for overcoming parental resistance
- Describe factors that in uence the decision of whether to include parents in the treatment session
- Demonstrate how to use a wider range of Theraplay activities and techniques
- Describe how to adapt Theraplay, a modality of play therapy, to work with a wider range of populations, such as children with autism and older children
- Describe strategies for dealing with resistant children
Special Features of this Training:
- The training will include lots of practice and a wide range of video examples
- Actual case material will be utilized through video to enhance your learning experience. ork with Trauma and Complex Families
Day 3: Adapting Theraplay to Work with Trauma and Complex Families
If you work with children who have been traumatized, have attachment disorders or complex families we highly recommend that you attend this module. It will help you sensitively adapt Theraplay to work with this population.
Learning Objectives:
- Describe the concept of complex trauma
- Demonstrate three modifications to Theraplay, a modality of play therapy, to meet the needs of traumatized children
- Assess when to use Theraplay in the overall treatment course of a client
- Describe how to adapt treatment to meet the needs of parents who themselves may be traumatized
Special Features of this Training:
- Case videos of children who have been traumatized will be shown
- Participants will practice Theraplay modifications for trauma
- Participants will develop and practice a treatment plan for one of their traumatized clients
- Actual case material will be utilized through video to enhance your learning experience.
Our Main Trainer for this year is: Donna M. Gates, M. A., LCPC is a family therapist with over 20 years of experience in the fields of individual/marital/family therapy, domestic violence, and child therapy. Donna has her master degree in Counseling Psychology. She is a certified Theraplay® therapist and trainer as well as a certified Theraplay® supervisor.
Terms of Payment:
- All payment should be paid in Rupiah (IDR)
- For Indonesian, we provide installment.
Additional Info:
- You could have special price for staying in our venue (Ambhara and Artotel) for a room per night (you can share the price with other participant for a twin room).
In Jakarta:
In Bali:
For registration and further information, please contact us